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Real Life Beachbody Transformations

Coaching = Changed my life so much. Get to continue to strive to be the best version of me, be a role model for my kids, and build a life I am proud of and love to wake up to each day ALL while helping other people! It's like a dream come true!!!!

"It has been a long journey, discipline & dedication (meal prepping in advance, making time for my workout, saying no to constant temptations) but it has been SOOOOO worth it. I have never been happier in my life and I have never felt better. 
I am so thankful I found Beachbody and am loving the addition of Shakeology to my diet. Not only do I get to have fun while working out at home, but I am providing my body with the absolute best nutrients I can. Who knew that it was possible to work from home while also becoming healthier and happier?!?!
I would love to thank all my fitness instructors that helped/supported me along the way in my fitness journey & fired inside of me this crazy PASSION for fitness. 
I couldn't have done it without you and you definitely fuelled my passion for fitness!!!"

- Clarissa Pastor ( Team Elite Vitality Coach ) 

Angie Bellemare

My Friend, Inspiration & Diamond Coach

With Turbo Fire and Shakeology, Angie lost 10 lbs. and 13 inches! 


"Fact: Everything happens for a reason! It all started with a crazy hunt for some mild $10 yoga DVDs, which somehow turned into the decision to purchase Insanity, a slightly more intense choice than what I had originally wanted. LOL!


I purchased the program and got started on it that same day...absolute craziness...but effective! The program got me into the 'healthy lifestyle' mindset. I was working out 6 days a week, stretching regularly, and most importantly, I was fueling my body rather than stuffing my face with whatever I could find.


After Insanity, I took a short break and by the same twist of fate by which I had stumbled upon my previous program, I found TurboFire. I ended up starting TurboFire after seeing the infomercials at the end of my Insanity workouts and thinking, 'Wow, that looks like a whole lot of fun and might kill me a bit less than Insanity did!'


I was hooked...I went Turbo crazy! This is what Chalene Johnson calls 'finding your soulmate workout.' I completed that program before we left for a vacation in Hawaii at the end of April 2013 and was in the best shape of my life!


Recently I've started following a plant-based whole-foods diet, which ultimately limits alcohol, meat, dairy, and all processed foods. Since I wanted to feel as good on the inside as I did on the outside, I jumped right into the Beachbody Ultimate Reset which was incredible! I can now proudly say I am in the best shape of my life on the inside AND the outside!


The process of getting healthy is all about baby steps. Don't overwhelm yourself by doing too much in a little amount of time. Take it slow...enjoy the will see progress if you stay at it. Just keep pushing and don't look back, unless it's to see your before photos!"'




For years, I’ve tried gaining muscle mass through various regimens. However, I’ve always lacked in two areas, and that is: consistency and structure. I’d go two or three weeks eating right and working out every day and see moderate results, only to hit a speed bump and it would set me back. Even when I was going to the gym for those two-three weeks of consistency, I’d show up and get completely overwhelmed, not sure where to start and where to finish. So, I’d end up doing the same thing almost every day (every day was chest day)!


When my wife picked up the Body Beast Challenge Pack, my whole world changed! A meal plan? A schedule? A trainer? Monthly deliveries of all the supplements I need?... Workout from home?! You’re kidding right? I thought for sure I hit the jackpot…and I did! All of the tools provided to me by the Body Beast Challenge Pack coupled with the support from my Beachbody Coach resulted in my, for the first time in my life, being consistent, structured, and fully committed to gaining muscle mass. I put aside 30-60 minutes per day with Sagi (who’s amazing by the way) to do my Body Beast workout, ate right, and listened to my Coach. As a result, I’ve gained a total of 15 lbs. of muscle and 13” of muscle mass. That may not seem like such a feat, but when you weigh 142 lbs. and have never broken the 150 lb. threshold, blowing past it is a tremendous feeling!"

Andre Bellemare

With Body Beast and Shakeology,

Andre gained 15 lbs. and 13 inches of muscle mass! 


"I’m sure you’ve heard people refer in a negative light to the fact that they’re 'tall & lanky.' Well, for the longest time, I’ve one-upped these people by outlining the fact that I’m below average height and skinny! To be honest, being short & skinny doesn’t always bode well for your self-confidence. I believe that, every guy, whether they like to admit it or not, would like to be viewed upon as somewhat intimidating to others. Well, you could use many adjectives to describe me; intimidating is likely not one of them.

Hailey Roberts

Elite Vitality Challenger

"Would just like to give a special shout out to Christina Delaportas Klein. Having gone to school with her she is one of the most amazing people you will ever come to meet and get to know. I'm glad that our friendship has carried on throughout the years. Watching how you have taken so much of your time into healthy lifestyles and being a fit mom is amazing. I just want to say a huge thank you for getting me jump started! If it wasn't for you helping me get my drive for being a fitter mom, and person I wouldn't be where I am now. 

I have faced a lot of challenges with my weight and fitness throughout the years but thanks to Christina jumpstarting my drive ( and I have fallen off the bandwagon a few times.) But I have been strict with myself for the past 7 weeks, and tomorrow I am about to crush one of my goals i had sadly previously given up on. I am about to do the Klondike Road Relay up here in Whitehorse which is a 175k run including teams with 10 memebers. My Leg is 20k....20k?? Never did I think I would be crushing this goal in just 7 weeks of training. When I started 7 weeks ago I could barely run 3k, and now I am doing practice runs of almost 20 k half all straight inclines and completing without stopping running pace. 

I am very proud of how far Ive come, but without people like Christina, and even all you guys in this group with daily motivation, I wouldn't be defeating my goal tomorrow. So thank you thank you thank you to you all. Thank you Christina for all your support and you will def be on my mind as I complete my run tomorrow!! Stay determined in yours goals everyone, it is never too late as everyday we wake up is a new beginning!!!

WooHoo time to get finalized prep ready for my run ahead of me!!!


Hailey Roberts

Ashley Stamp 

My Star Diamond Coach

With TurboFire and Shakeology, Ashley lost 58 lbs. and 50 inches! 


"TurboFire is the most fun and fresh workout I’ve ever done! The music is awesome, the set is colorful and clean, the cast is diverse, and Chalene is the BOMB! I started TurboFire July 21st, 2010. In my first 5 months, I lost 40 lbs. and have now lost a total of 50 inches and 58 lbs. It has been completely life-changing. For so long I resigned myself to the fact that I would always be heavy. I tried to cut back on my eating here and there, and worked out on occasion, but before TurboFire I never put in the discipline it took to get such amazing results. That discipline was driven by setting more realistic goals this go-’round (2 lbs. per week rather than 10!) and coupling them with small rewards (new music, new workout wear, time to myself, etc). I wouldn’t say it was easy AT ALL, but with consistency and support, 2 pounds per week becomes 8 pounds per month. The months pass and the weight just continues to melt off and suddenly you’re feeling better than ever, your energy levels are through the roof, you can breathe easier, and as I have said over and over when asked how my life is now: Everything is better!


Ever since I started changing my body, my life has dramatically changed as well! It's like the universe opened up and said, 'If you're going to finally start taking care of yourself, other good things are going to start happening for you, too.' In 2011, I earned TWO all-expenses paid trips to Los Angeles for my success. Less than one year after starting TurboFire, I was named the 2011 Grand Prize Runner-Up for the Million Dollar Body Game (now known as the Beachbody Challenge). I was also used by Beachbody as the face of the Beachbody Challenge when it rolled out; my before and after photos were printed on the flyers and Challenge bracelets of everyone who committed for the Challenge. But, the most amazing reward so far has been receiving a personal phone call from Chalene Johnson, inviting me to be a cast member of the newest TurboFire DVDs and a Success Story for her infomercial!


TurboFire might be your 'soulmate workout,' too. Or, maybe you’re more into the setup of Insanity, P90X3, T25, ChaLEAN Extreme, Brazil Butt Lift, T25, Body Beast, or LES MILLS PUMP. It might be that you just really enjoy running. The important part is finding something you don’t dread every day. Exercise makes you feel AMAZING. When you’re finished, you feel accomplished and you’re flooded with endorphins. The hardest part is prioritizing it and actually following through. It has to be on your schedule. I had to commit to working out before work every day. It wasn’t (and sometimes still isn’t) easy to get out of bed early enough to work out, but most things worth having aren’t easy. I knew from past failures that leaving my workout for the evening almost always resulted in running out of time because life takes over and there is so much to do. As an added bonus, I have found that working out in the morning sets the tone for the entire day. It gives me energy and has helped me completely change my eating habits. The foods my body craves are far different on days I work out in the morning versus missing a workout. Add Shakeology to the mix, and WOW! When I was over 200 pounds, I never dreamed I could ever feel like this, but it's real for me, and it can be real for you, too!"


Ready to join my next Challenge? 


Do you need results? If you said, yes! Let's do it! Whether you just need to tone up or lose weight my challenges are perfect for you. We can work one-on-one or in a group with others accomplishing similar goals to give you that added motivation & to help you believe that you will do it!

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