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Team Elite Vitality Testimonials


With Slim in 6 and Shakeology Ashley lost 6 pounds


"I just wanted to say thanks to Christina Delaportas, you've inspired and motivated me to continue getting fit and healthy. You've done such an amazing job giving us ladies advice on food preparation and workouts. Thanks to you and the shakeology I have lost 6lbs and 8.5inches since May 8th (before 136lbs). I am now 4lbs below my normal weight from before I got pregnant!!!! Thank you so much for everything you have done! You are awesome!"
- Ashley 


"It has been a long journey, discipline & dedication (meal prepping in advance, making time for my workout, saying no to constant temptations) but it has been SOOOOO worth it. I have never been happier in my life and I have never felt better. 
I am so thankful I found Beachbody and am loving the addition of Shakeology to my diet. Not only do I get to have fun while working out at home, but I am providing my body with the absolute best nutrients I can. Who knew that it was possible to work from home while also becoming healthier and happier?!?!
I would love to thank all my fitness instructors that helped/supported me along the way in my fitness journey & fired inside of me this crazy PASSION for fitness. 
I couldn't have done it without you and you definitely fuelled my passion for fitness!!!"

- Clarissa Pastor ( Team Elite Vitality Coach ) 

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